Confession: I’m Human; I Fail at Things.

By Zerline Hughes

I failed. If the definition of fail is try, struggle with life circumstances, give in to temptation and special occasions, I failed.

smoothieToday would have have been the day that I boasted making it through the 10-day Smoothie Cleanse. Today would have been the day that I gradually re-introduce solid foods back into my daily food regimen. Today would have been the day that I got off of the scale with a big grin.

20170603_110010But after a long, taxing day of testing and training for an aquatic fitness certification test, after a super-sweet attendee thought to be nice and bring me a gourmet sandwich for lunch that smelled like Heaven, after I fuzzily completed the test following an eight-and-half-hour learning session, and after my husband – who was also doing the cleanse – picked me up, we celebrated the end of a long day and week together at a Mexican restaurant eating chips, salsa and nachos, and drinking.

20170603_181419.jpgWe were so close to success. It was day five and we were half-way done. This being my second time doing the cleanse (the first with success and great results), I’d went so far as to plan when I’d go on the cleanse. I had no happy hours, lunch meetings, cake-laden celebrations to go to, or to decline attending due to the temptation. I’d even gone so far as to make and pack in advance eight smoothies for me and the husband while we were on our two-and-a-half-hour road trip and overnight during my test. Our hotel’s mini-fridge came right in handy.

But I’m here to tell you, life gets in the way. In reality, I hadn’t planned on taking the road trip with my husband, but he was able to offer his support and drive while I was sifting through flashcards. We don’t often get alone time – especially on an overnight trip, so I was thinking “Can’t waste this opportunity for a date night.” Sure, we could have gone sight seeing with our smoothies in hand, picked out some mini cucumbers in a local grocery together and had a movie night. We didn’t. We’d both been losing weight over the five-day period, so that should have been motivation enough to keep us going. It apparently wasn’t.

But what we can do, is try, try again. We got plenty of days, plenty of mason jars and I just re-stocked our frozen fruit yesterday, so here we go!

Wanna join in?